Not of Fear

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Let’s look at  2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV-Study Bible) The scripture says this, For God has not given us a spirit of fear (refers to a disposition of the mind; the Apostle is telling the young Evangelist not to fear); but of Power (could be said, “the spirit of Power,“ for such comes from the Holy Spirit) and of love (again, given by the Holy Spirit), and of a sound mind. (a “spirit of self-control” all made possible by the Holy Spirit, Who demands that we ever keep our Faith in the Cross [Rom. 8:1-2, 11, 13]

 This all comes from the Holy Spirit, the helper, and how we get that is our faith in Christ and the Cross.  When we face opposition in life hardships and fear starts to come over you remind yourself this is not from God and that in Christ we have power to fight the fears and the lies that Satan tries to paralyze you in. Sometimes life circumstances may not look good and you feel vulnerable, unsure of the present or future, or past things harming your thoughts. It could be losing a job, nowhere to live, bills are piling up, someone hurt you that was supposed to love you, your having to give up something  for your good and you don’t know how whatever the circumstance may be keep your focus on Christ and the Cross stay anchored in your faith and know you have access to the spirit of power the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps you to gain understanding, knowledge,and wisdom of the Word the Truth which brings you closer to the Lord.  I learned this season about my walk with God. I prayed I wanted to be more obedient and live and look like I know Him. I believe I heard the Lord tell me to quit my job and that would require faith in Christ and even though it did not look like financially the right decision and I began to fear then I read this verse and knew my fear was not of the Lord but the devil trying to keep me in my comfort and sins and not really focused on Christ and the sharing the Gospel and living a purposeful life. As soon as I followed the Lord’s instruction I felt His power, the Holy Spirit helping me in my journey and I have a peace more so as I draw closer to the Lord and have assurance he has a plan for me [Jeremiah 29:11] and His thoughts are better than my own [Isaiah 55:8]. I have hope and joy to where He will lead me. I wanted what this scripture stated not a spirit of fear, but of power, love and sound mind and I’m chasing after it by walking in faith trusting in Christ and by my faith by our faith in Christ we can have access to the Holy Spirit the helper. To help guide us in doing God’s will and getting to know what great plan He has for our lives. The Holy Spirit with us ever keeping our faith in Christ will guide you and strengthen you. And again this is all made possible by our faith in the Cross (Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior)died crucified on the Cross for our sins paying our debt in full that we can live a renewed redeemed life). Keep believing (even if your feelings don’t match don’t trust your feelings they are deceiving). Don’t keep punishing yourself for living a fearful life for sins or mistakes you made and stay away from Him because you think you can’t come to Him. Christ died so we can live a full and abundant life [John 10:10].

Keep focused on Christ making the object of your faith the Cross. Keep anchored in Him. In doing so gives you access to having the spirit of power, love, self control and so much more!