We are made with constant need for daily renewal and recharging. The way to recharge is by allowing God to fill you with the Holy Spirit and Christ’s resurrection power. How can God renew your mind? The Bible tells us that we are to renew our minds in Christ. (Romans 12:2) And be not conformed to this world (the ways of the world but be you transformed by Jesus. He was the Word made flesh think about this Jesus when He was flesh human He woke up everyday seeking first God’s Kingdom bear witness of the true word and woke up not for Himself but woke up to be of blessings to all humans in the world. He never made it about Him or His sufferings. He gave up his life knowing his sufferings. He still carried out the work of our Heavenly Father. We need to conform our lives to be like Jesus Christ our Savior. He is our identity and He lives in us through us so our chief purpose in this life is to be like Him. In our daily walk with Jesus we learn from Him and His Spirit is helping us to do His Will over our own will. Thus we are becoming more like Jesus. This is what it means to be conformed to His image.
(Romans 12:2) And be not conformed to this world (the ways of the world): but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind (we must start thinking Spiritually, which refers to the fact that everything is furnished to us through the Cross, and is obtained by Faith and not works), that you may prove what is that good ( is put to the test and finds that the thing tested meets the specifications laid down), and acceptable, and Perfect, Will of God (presents that which the Holy Spirit is attempting to bring about within our lives, and can only be obtained by ever making the Cross the Object of our Faith).